Previously, the author delved into three distinct greedy algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem: the Cheapest-Link, Nearest-Neighbour, and Repetitive-Nearest Neighbour. Although these methods provide approximate results, an accurate solution for the NP-complete Traveling Salesman Problem would demand exponential computational time, assuming P doesn’t equal NP. Nevertheless, backtracking offers a promising way to prune the search space, making it more manageable.

Traveling Salesman Problem with Backtracking

To delve into the mechanics, they provide a C code that applies backtracking to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. This solution uses the idea of permuting vertices while maintaining the starting point at vertex 0. As a result, the last edge invariably links the penultimate vertex back to vertex 0, eliminating the need to locate this edge via permutations.

The primary function, `traveling_salesman()`, ingests a matrix of distances (represented as adjmat), the total number of vertices (represented as order), and a pointer’s address to an unsigned integer array (best_tour). In return, it outputs the best tour’s cost and an array with the vertices arranged sequentially.

// [Code for traveling_salesman and associated functions]

Sample Implementation

To better grasp this algorithm’s operation, a sample program is presented below:

// [Code for the example program]

When executed, the given program generates the following output:


Best tour cost: 23


0 2 4 1 3

Edge weights:

7 5 2 3 6


This result showcases the tour with the minimum possible cost, alongside the corresponding vertices and edge weights. Through the presented backtracking approach, efficient solutions can be attained even for such complex problems as the Traveling Salesman. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) stands as a prominent puzzle in the realm of optimization and computer science. Historically, it has served as a touchstone for algorithmic approaches and a testament to the complexity of real-world logistical challenges. The scenario is simple yet profound: A salesman wishes to visit a set of cities and return to the starting point while minimizing the total distance traveled. But don’t be fooled by its simplicity. The underlying combinatorial nature of the problem means that as the number of cities increases, the number of possible routes grows factorially. This exponential growth renders brute-force solutions impractical even for modest numbers of cities.

A Glimpse into its History

The roots of the TSP stretch back into the 1800s. Mathematicians like W.R. Hamilton and Thomas Kirkman began pondering about round trips through certain sites that would touch each point only once. Fast forward to the 20th century, and this problem found itself at the heart of operational research, especially during World War II, where optimization became crucial for logistical planning.

However, it was only in the latter half of the 20th century that the TSP was formally defined and recognized as an NP-hard problem. This classification implies that no polynomial-time solution exists for the TSP (assuming P ≠ NP, a major unsolved question in computer science).

Greedy Algorithms: A Starting Point

The Cheapest-Link, Nearest-Neighbour, and Repetitive-Nearest Neighbour algorithms are all greedy algorithms. They work on the principle of making the locally optimal choice at each step. For instance, the Nearest-Neighbour algorithm simply picks the closest unvisited city as the next destination. While such methods are fast and intuitive, they often don’t guarantee the best solution. In many instances, these algorithms can be misled by their myopic views, ignoring the broader structure of the problem.

Backtracking: A Ray of Hope

Backtracking offers a methodical way to navigate the solution space of the TSP. Instead of committing to decisions prematurely, backtracking allows for exploration and, when necessary, retreat. By systematically considering all possibilities but discarding those that can’t lead to a better solution early on, backtracking can often drastically reduce the effective search space.

The code provided earlier exemplifies backtracking in action. It starts with a fixed vertex (0 in this case) and explores permutations of the remaining vertices. Whenever a partial route’s cost exceeds the best known, the algorithm discards it, ensuring resources aren’t wasted on suboptimal paths.

Challenges and Real-world Implications

The TSP isn’t merely an academic exercise. Its real-world implications span a plethora of industries. From route planning for delivery trucks to manufacturing circuit boards, the essence of the TSP permeates many logistical and design challenges. Solutions to the TSP can lead to reduced fuel consumption, faster delivery times, and more efficient manufacturing processes.

However, real-world scenarios often come with their own set of challenges. Cities might have varying constraints, like specific time windows for deliveries or restrictions on vehicle types. These add layers of complexity to an already challenging problem. In these cases, heuristics and metaheuristics, like genetic algorithms or simulated annealing, might come into play. These methods, while not always guaranteeing the best solution, provide good enough solutions in a reasonable time frame.


The Traveling Salesman Problem, with its deceptive simplicity and underlying complexity, serves as a powerful reminder of the challenges and mysteries in optimization and computer science. Whether it’s through greedy algorithms that prioritize speed over accuracy, or more methodical approaches like backtracking that strive for the best, the journey to solve the TSP is as intriguing as the problem itself.

As computational power grows and algorithms become more sophisticated, we inch closer to more efficient solutions to the TSP. However, its NP-hard nature ensures that it will continue to captivate and challenge mathematicians, logisticians, and computer scientists for years to come.

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