In the intricate tapestry of C++ programming, the “Rule of Three” stands as a cornerstone for effectively managing class objects, ensuring both performance optimization and prevention of resource leakage. As coders weave through the vast frameworks of this high-performance language, understanding this rule is not just beneficial but essential. 

In this comprehensive guide, we dissect the rule, offering insights and actionable steps to enhance your coding prowess and application performance.

Understanding the Rule

The “Rule of Three” posits a programming guideline within the C++ language; it suggests that if a class defines one of the following: a destructor, a copy constructor, or a copy assignment operator, it is likely necessary to define the other two. This principle stems from the management of resources, particularly when a class contains dynamic memory allocation or handles to system resources.

When a class holds state, it implies resource allocation that needs management, and this management should be reflected in its copying methods and destruction. For instance, the default copy constructor performs a shallow copy, potentially leading to double-deletion or dangling pointer issues. Hence, when dynamic resource management is involved, developers often need to implement deep copies to avoid such problems.

Destructors and Their Role

A destructor is tasked with cleanup activities, primarily focused on releasing resources allocated to the object being destroyed. It doesn’t modify the object but affects the entire program’s state by freeing up resources. This underscores the integral role destructors play in resource management and the necessity of coupling them with well-defined copy constructors and assignment operators.

In scenarios where a class lacks a defined copy constructor, copying an object implies a direct replication of all its data members, including pointers to dynamically allocated resources. When these objects are destroyed, the destructor is invoked multiple times for the same resource, leading to undefined behavior or crashes.

Code Illustration


// In the below C++ code, we have created
// a destructor, but no copy constructor
// and no copy assignment operator.
class Array
    int size;
    int* vals;  
    Array( int s, int* v );
   delete vals;
   vals = NULL;
Array::Array( int s, int* v )
    size = s;
    vals = new int[ size ];
    std::copy( v, v + size, vals );
int main()
   int vals[ 4 ] = { 11, 22, 33, 44 }; 
   Array a1( 4, vals );
   // This line causes problems.
   Array a2( a1 );
   return 0;

In the coding example provided, a class “Array” is defined without a copy constructor or copy assignment operator. The class’s destructor deletes a dynamically allocated integer array. However, due to the absence of a custom copy constructor, creating a copy of an Array object results in shallow copying of the pointer to the dynamic array.

When the copied objects go out of scope, the destructor is called multiple times for the same memory space, leading to a program crash or undefined behavior. The shallow copying, coupled with multiple destructor calls, illustrates a palpable need for a well-defined copy constructor and copy assignment operator in classes managing dynamic resources.

Strategies to Mitify Issues

One strategy to counter this issue is making the class non-copyable, achieved by declaring the copy constructor and assignment operator as private or inheriting from a non-copyable class. Another approach involves using resource management classes or smart pointers, which automatically manage resources, eliminating the need to explicitly handle resource deallocation.

Additionally, modern C++ standards introduced the Rule of Five, extending the Rule of Three to include move constructors and move assignment operators. It ensures efficient resource management, especially in scenarios involving temporary objects and optimizations that exploit the move semantics.


The essence of the Rule of Three in C++ is anchored in resource management, ensuring that objects are handled with precision and safety, mitigating common pitfalls associated with dynamic resource allocations. 

By defining custom copy constructors, copy assignment operators, and destructors, developers erect a robust scaffold, bolstering the integrity of their applications and enhancing performance. As we navigate the evolving terrains of C++, the Rule of Three (and Five) remains instrumental, heralding optimized, safe, and efficient coding practices.

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