Dive into the meticulous construction and applications of Kruskal’s algorithm in C through our exhaustive study. We dissect its core mechanics, unraveling how it underscores the efficient resolution of complex computational problems. 

This article promises an in-depth look, providing a bridge between theoretical comprehension and practical mastery.

Kruskal’s Algorithm in C Explored

The dissection of Kruskal’s algorithm begins with an understanding of its operational framework and the efficiency it brings to computing, particularly in the C programming language. While the algorithm finds versatile applications across various programming environments, its essence in C is markedly distinct, owing to the language’s unique syntactical and operational features.

Navigating through the complexities of this algorithm, one encounters a well-structured system engineered for optimal performance. It is a minimum spanning tree algorithm that elegantly identifies a subset of edges from a given graph, ensuring minimal weight and optimal efficiency.

How Kruskal’s Algorithm Operates

Central to the functioning of Kruskal’s algorithm is its grounding in the principles of greedy algorithms. It is characterized by an inherent capability to achieve local optima, a stepping stone towards attaining a global optimum. The algorithm’s operation is initiated by focusing on edges with minimal weight, incrementally adding edges until the desired spanning tree is actualized.

The systematic steps inherent in the deployment of Kruskal’s algorithm are:

  • Sorting all edges in ascending order of weight;
  • Incrementally adding the edge with minimal weight to the spanning tree, whilst ensuring no loop is formed;
  • Continuation of the edge addition process until all vertices are spanned.

Pseudo-Code of Kruskal Algorithm

The pseudo-code segment is an integral component, offering a detailed procedural blueprint for implementing Kruskal’s algorithm in C. It illustrates a systematic and logical sequence of operations, from initialization to the attainment of a minimum spanning tree. The interplay of vertices and edges is meticulously handled to ensure optimal efficiency and accuracy.

The implementation of the Union-Find algorithm exemplifies the practical translation of theoretical concepts into actionable code segments. It serves as a pivotal tool for organizing vertices into distinct clusters and ascertains the potential of edge addition in the creation of a cycle.


// Kruskal's algorithm in C  
#include <stdio.h>  
#define MAX 30  
typedef struct edge {  
  int u, v, w;  
} edge;  
typedef struct edge_list {  
  edge data[MAX];  
  int n;  
} edge_list;  
edge_list elist;  
int Graph[MAX][MAX], n;  
edge_list spanlist;  
void kruskalAlgo();  
int find(int belongs[], int vertexno);  
void applyUnion(int belongs[], int c1, int c2);  
void sort();  
void print();  
// Applying Krushkal Algo  
void kruskalAlgo() {  
  int belongs[MAX], i, j, cno1, cno2;  
  elist.n = 0;  
  for (i = 1; i < n; i++)  
    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {  
      if (Graph[i][j] != 0) {  
        elist.data[elist.n].u = i;  
        elist.data[elist.n].v = j;  
        elist.data[elist.n].w = Graph[i][j];  
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  
    belongs[i] = i;  
  spanlist.n = 0;  
  for (i = 0; i < elist.n; i++) {  
    cno1 = find(belongs, elist.data[i].u);  
    cno2 = find(belongs, elist.data[i].v);  
    if (cno1 != cno2) {  
      spanlist.data[spanlist.n] = elist.data[i];  
      spanlist.n = spanlist.n + 1;  
      applyUnion(belongs, cno1, cno2);  
int find(int belongs[], int vertexno) {  
  return (belongs[vertexno]);  
void applyUnion(int belongs[], int c1, int c2) {  
  int i;  
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  
    if (belongs[i] == c2)  
      belongs[i] = c1;  
// Sorting algo  
void sort() {  
  int i, j;  
  edge temp;  
  for (i = 1; i < elist.n; i++)  
    for (j = 0; j < elist.n - 1; j++)  
      if (elist.data[j].w > elist.data[j + 1].w) {  
        temp = elist.data[j];  
        elist.data[j] = elist.data[j + 1];  
        elist.data[j + 1] = temp;  
// Printing the result  
void print() {  
  int i, cost = 0;  
  for (i = 0; i < spanlist.n; i++) {  
    printf("\n%d - %d : %d", spanlist.data[i].u, spanlist.data[i].v, spanlist.data[i].w);  
    cost = cost + spanlist.data[i].w;  
  printf("\nSpanning tree cost: %d", cost);  
int main() {  
  int i, j, total_cost;  
  n = 6;  
  Graph[0][0] = 0;  
  Graph[0][1] = 4;  
  Graph[0][2] = 4;  
  Graph[0][3] = 0;  
  Graph[0][4] = 0;  
  Graph[0][5] = 0;  
  Graph[0][6] = 0;  
  Graph[1][0] = 4;  
  Graph[1][1] = 0;  
  Graph[1][2] = 2;  
  Graph[1][3] = 0;  
  Graph[1][4] = 0;  
  Graph[1][5] = 0;  
  Graph[1][6] = 0;  
  Graph[2][0] = 4;  
  Graph[2][1] = 2;  
  Graph[2][2] = 0;  
  Graph[2][3] = 3;  
  Graph[2][4] = 4;  
  Graph[2][5] = 0;  
  Graph[2][6] = 0;  
  Graph[3][0] = 0;  
  Graph[3][1] = 0;  
  Graph[3][2] = 3;  
  Graph[3][3] = 0;  
  Graph[3][4] = 3;  
  Graph[3][5] = 0;  
  Graph[3][6] = 0;  
  Graph[4][0] = 0;  
  Graph[4][1] = 0;  
  Graph[4][2] = 4;  
  Graph[4][3] = 3;  
  Graph[4][4] = 0;  
  Graph[4][5] = 0;  
  Graph[4][6] = 0;  
  Graph[5][0] = 0;  
  Graph[5][1] = 0;  
  Graph[5][2] = 2;  
  Graph[5][3] = 0;  
  Graph[5][4] = 3;  
  Graph[5][5] = 0;  
  Graph[5][6] = 0;  

2 - 1 : 2
5 - 2 : 2
3 - 2 : 3
4 - 3 : 3
1 - 0 : 4

Spanning tree cost: 14
Process exited after 0.02407 seconds with return value 0
Press any key to continue . . .

As we delve deeper, a practical illustration of Kruskal’s Algorithm application in C unveils its robust capacity for solving real-world problems. The coded implementation reveals a refined synergy of logic and computation, offering a visual and operational guide for enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Every line of code, every algorithmic operation, is meticulously crafted to unveil the seamless transformation of theoretical concepts into functional applications. The result is an algorithm not just rich in computational efficiency but also a testament to the elegance of structured programming in the world of algorithmic problem-solving.

Prime’s Algorithm Vs Kruskal’s Algorithm

In the sphere of algorithms employed for the computation of minimum spanning trees (MSTs), Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms emerge as two leading methodologies, each boasting distinctive attributes and applications. These two strategies, while aimed at resolving the same core issue, exhibit divergent operational approaches, rooted in distinct logical foundations and computational processes.

  • Prim’s algorithm adopts a vertex-centric approach. It initiates the computation from a specified vertex and iteratively incorporates the minimum weight connecting edges that are yet to be included in the tree. This process of integration persists until all vertices have been incorporated, resulting in the formation of a minimum-spanning tree;
  • On the contrary, Kruskal’s algorithm, as previously detailed, instigates the computational process from the perspective of edges. It sequentially integrates edges, commencing with the one of minimal weight, ensuring the exclusion of cycles and the inclusive incorporation of all vertices. This contrast in operational tactics underscores the diversity in strategies for computing MSTs, amplifying the adaptability and applicability of these algorithms.

A comparative analysis of Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithm extends beyond operational mechanisms, penetrating into aspects of efficiency, complexity, and real-time applications. While Kruskal’s algorithm is praised for its efficacy in sparse graphs, Prim’s algorithm is often the preferred choice for dense graphs.

Key distinctions between the two include:

  • Operational Approach: Kruskal’s commences with edges, while Prim’s initiates with vertices;
  • Efficiency: Kruskal’s is more efficient for sparse graphs, whereas Prim’s is optimal for dense graphs;
  • Implementation: Prim’s is generally easier to implement, especially with priority queues or binary heaps.


As we draw the curtains on this analytical exposition of Kruskal’s algorithm in C and its comparative dynamics with Prim’s algorithm, it becomes abundantly evident that the world of algorithmic computing is characterized by diverse, yet equally potent methodologies. Each algorithm, engraved with its unique operational logic and computational procedures, contributes significantly to the expansive and dynamic landscape of algorithmic problem-solving.

The exploration of Kruskal’s algorithm unveils a world where efficiency, precision, and optimal performance converge. With its grounding in the principles of greedy algorithms, its structured operational steps, and meticulous handling of vertices and edges, Kruskal’s Algorithm stands as a testament to the elegance of computational logic and the infinite possibilities embedded within structured programming.

Furthermore, the juxtaposition of Kruskal’s Algorithm and Prim’s Algorithm illuminates the rich tapestry of methodologies available for the computation of minimum spanning trees. Each, with its distinct operational mechanism, offers unique advantages tailored to specific types of graphs and computational environments.

In summation, this exploration serves not just as an informational reservoir but as an intellectual nexus, linking theory with practical application. It is designed to empower the reader with not just the knowledge but the critical analytical acumen to discern, apply, and optimize the use of these algorithms in real-world scenarios. Every section, every insight is meticulously crafted to transform theoretical postulates into actionable insights, providing a comprehensive, insightful, and profoundly enriching resource for both novice enthusiasts and seasoned professionals.

In this complex yet fascinating world of algorithmic computations, the key to mastery lies in the profound understanding and adept application of diverse methodologies. This piece, anchored in factual, up-to-date, and reliable information, is a significant stride towards that pivotal juncture where knowledge, skill, and innovation converge, heralding an era of enlightened, empowered, and efficient algorithmic problem-solving.

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