In the realm of C++, the ubiquitous string class is endowed with 39 distinct member functions. Yet, it often seems that the exact one desired is conspicuously absent. Case in point: the absence of a direct find-and-replace function. Yet, with a sprinkle of ingenuity, one can craft such a function using the existing find() and replace() methods.

The Homemade Solution

Consider the following exemplary code:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <climits>

std::string custom_replace(
    const std::string& source,
    const std::string& pattern,
    const std::string& substitute,
    unsigned int limit = UINT_MAX)
    size_t position = 0;
    std::string alteredString = source;
    unsigned int count = 0;

    while ((position = alteredString.find(pattern, position)) != std::string::npos && count < limit)
        alteredString.replace(position, pattern.length(), substitute);
        position += substitute.length();

    return alteredString;

Alternative Libraries

  1. Boost Library: It features the `replace_all()` method. Instead of returning a new string, this function modifies the original one directly;
  2. pystring Library: This library contains the `replace()` method, mirroring the behavior of the Python’s `string.replace()` function.

In wrapping up, while the standard C++ string class is feature-rich, there are instances where specific functions may be lacking. However, the beauty of C++ lies in its flexibility, allowing developers to craft bespoke solutions. Moreover, alternative libraries like Boost and pystring offer ready-made functions, demonstrating that in the world of C++, there’s almost always a way to achieve your programming objectives.

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